Amazing Transformation

drew-sarahDrew and Sara have been an inspiration to many people. In the time of one semester they have completely transformed their bodies, increased their strength and conditioning to a high degree, and most importantly adjusted their lifestyle towards health for quality living well into the future.

Their training regimen was Advanced Micro Training (A.M.T.), which consists of 3 sessions per week of heavy weight training, with a touch of sprint work among other things. The program was developed to maximize the body’s ability to adapt to low dose stimulus. Every so often a period of testing was thrown in to gauge changes in over all performance.

The couple are proof that 95% of success in training can be attributed to nutrition. Here’s what they had to say about their experience.

Q: You’ve been in DNA’s ADVANCED MICRO TRAINING (A.M.T.) class for about 6 months now, what made you decide to join DNA?

A: There were many factors that caused us to check out DNA. The least interesting being that it was close to where we were living. I had also heard good things about DNA from another member, CJ Doane. In addition to that, Drew had been wanting to get fit for several months prior and thought that the structure that comes along with personal training would help him be accountable and committed.. Finally, we were both stressed out, not happy at work and in need of something to give us balance. DNA was perfect!

Q: For those reading, the AMT program consists of 3 15-minute training sessions per week requiring no other activity! Before beginning this program would you have ever thought that you could see these kind of results in such short training sessions?

A: NO! We do not want to sound too much like an infomercial, but it is absolutely remarkable that one can get these results with such short intense training sessions. Before starting at DNA Sara was running for 2-3 hours/week. Now we still both run less than 1 hour/week +the 45 minutes of DNA training, so the overall amount of time spent working out is less than before but more efficient.

Drew and Sara before

Drew and Sara Before Training

Too be fair, we have also made significant lifestyle changes. Everything Dave says about nutrition is a 100% true and we are eating clean food with a purpose, which has been instrumental in our progress. Fifteen minutes of training leaves 23 hours and 45 minutes to make choices that are going to help those minutes count or circumvent your hard work. Dave taught us how to eat right amplifying the impact of our work in the gym.

Phase 4 Nutrition and intermittent fasting

Drew and Sara Before Training

Q: Both of you have seen mind boggling results! What are some key factors involved in your success/es in this program?

A: Similar to what we said above, the importance of nutrition cannot be overstated. Also, I think it has really helped that we were doing this together. It is much easier to stay on track as a pair than as an individual. For anyone getting started on a program like this, we would recommend trying to recruit your family or signing up with a friend/partner/roommate. The support, encouragement and camaraderie that comes along with doing this someone else really helped us stay on track.

Q: What kind of training were you involved in before AMT?

A: Drew played sports in high school and lifted off and on until about 2 years ago. Since then and before starting DNA, he jogged a bit and hiked. Sara had never lifted and was a runner before starting at DNA, running between 15-20 miles/week.

Drew and Sara After 6 months

Drew and Sara After 6 months

Q: What kind of supplements were/are you taking? It seems impossible that these drastic results can happen with out any “help”!

A: Do sweet potatoes and lean protein count as a supplement? We were not taking any supplements until about 1 month ago. When we started phase III nutrition and the intermittent fasting we started taking BCAAs 20 minutes before we work out, but that is it. Since working out with DNA, we have never used protein shakes or any other sort of health supplement. We actually have both stopped taking multivitamins. Now that we eat better they seem superfluous, if not detrimental. It was just all real, clean food.

Q: Nutrition is a major factor, describe your experience with PHASE 4 NUTRITION.

A: Anytime we would start a new nutrition phase, the first week was challenging. After 1-2 weeks it seems routine. This was even true with phase I. With phase II, Sara could not believe that she was going to have to eat 193 grams of carbs on training days. Quickly, it did not feel like enough food, and now 299 grams is the norm. When Dave introduced the concept of intermittent fasting, we were both all for it. Not just for performance reasons, but mostly because there are extensive data showing that it promotes longevity, lowers cancer risk, and increases insulin receptor sensitivity. Our current nutrition plan has it so we only eat between 12 pm and 8 pm. The first day was really hard for Sara, she did not feel like she could do anything in the gym, and both of us had a hard time getting our macros in before 8 pm. Then we discovered sweet potato smoothies with kefir (it is fermented diary, so not inflammatory) and coconut water. After about 2 weeks, we both stopped feeling hungry before noon. It has only been a challenge when switching time zones, easy to go east but those 3 extra hours hurt coming home. Now it seems really easy to put away a lot of food in one sitting. One of the coolest aspects of experimenting with this phase of nutrition is to see how quickly your body can adapt to be entrained to shorter eating windows. The caloric intake remains the same, but the extra time off your digestive system gets results in a lot less oxidative stress. We are glad that Dave figured this out for us and we plan to keep it up indefinitely.

Q: What weight and body fat did you start at? finish?

A: Drew was 165 and 17.9% body fat. Yesterday, he was 157 and 5% body fat. That is a loss of ~21 pounds of fat and an increase in 13 pounds of lean body weight. Sara was 137 pounds and 28.5% body fat. Yesterday, she was 122 pounds and 12.7% body fat, with a total loss 15.5 pounds of body fat and an increase in 8.5 pounds

of lean body weight. That is just since February 26th!

Q: How long were your workouts?

A: Typically around 15 minutes not including rolling out and warming up. On occasion we would go up to 30 minutes, but that was rare. We were also running 2-3 times a week, but nothing long or serious and this was just for fun. Running is more of a hobby than exercise for us now. The exception to this was the 5 weeks that we were in Anne’s natural running class, which had us doing drills and cadence intervals 2-3 times/week that took around 20 minutes to complete. But this was more about fixing our poor running form than getting fit. Now we can run for fun and know that we are not going to damage ourselves. Quick plug for Anne’s course: proper form also made us a lot faster, which helped us get PRs on that dreaded 400m that comes after Dave’s applied strength “A” program.

Drew and Sara

Drew and Sara After 6 months

Q: What did you eat or how did your diet change?

A: We did not eat terrible before, but our diets were certainly not optimized. A bit better than the typical American diet. We ate a lot of organic green leafy vegetables and whole grains. We also ate a lot or red meat and little to no fish. Our biggest mistake was how much bread, pasta and pizza we consumed. Sara used to love her pasta. We also drank a lot of beer before. We both love craft beer and in particular high octane IPAs for Sara and dense stouts and porters for Drew. Enjoying a beer used to be almost a nightly indulgence for us. We also used to eat out a lot more, especially for lunch. I think our biggest mistake, other than the beer, was mixing fat and carbs, for example, fried chicken and waffles and mac ‘n cheese were not uncommon. In the most recent phase of nutrition, Drew had to make the transition to drinking black coffee (rather than coffee with cream/milk).

Q: What food did you miss?

A: This is a really interesting and not straight forward question. The first month, Sara missed ice cream and beer and Drew missed snack food and beer. Dave did a clever thing after our first month of training, however. We both had a great weigh in and he gave us a cheat meal allowing us to go all out with beer and whatever else for one meal. Sara ate a lot of ice cream and Drew had snickers. We both drank more than a couple beers and felt really crappy afterwards- a sugar along with alcohol hangover. Since we were so used to feeling great most of the time, this kind of took away our cravings. In neuroscience they call this ‘aversive conditioning’, Dave called it “de-conditioning”. Now there is not much that we miss, mostly because our palates have changed and we have discovered new things that we love. Sara does not miss ice cream because frozen kefir is amazing and on carb days we can eat it on gluten-free sweet potato pancakes. This is perfection! We have also discovered grilled tilapia with a citrus marinade…yum. Drew makes the analogy that it is like moving to another country. You probably will not be able to find good tamales in New Zealand, but the lamb and seafood will more than make up for it. Neither of us miss pasta at all.
That is not to say there aren’t cravings. Deep fried oreos or chocolate covered pretzels still sound good to Drew, but it is a transient craving that can be replaced by something better.

Q: Were you hungry?
During the first month of phase I nutrition, neither of us were ever hungry, although we also never felt totally full. We both think that this is because by cutting out grains and most carbs, we never felt that bloated feeling often associated with being full. We no longer have this association and being full now means that we are on track for getting in our macros. After the first month, it was a little different between the two of us. Sara usually did not feel hungry, except during the first week of starting intermittent fasting. Sara had also done Weight Watchers before (many years ago in grad school), and definitely felt less hungry with this nutrition plan compared to previous diets. Drew has had episodes where he has certainly felt hungry and like he “cannot eat enough”. This is usually before he meets with Dave to adjust his macros again. The point is that we never felt like we were starving ourselves to lose fat.

Q: How long did it take you to notice a change in your body? What change in your body did you notice first?

A: Both of us agree that we started to notice changes in about 3 weeks. For Sara, it was her calves having more definition. We were living in a house with no full length mirror, however. After about 6 weeks, we went to stay at the Tubac Golf Resort for Sara’s birthday, and when Sara saw her abs in the bathroom mirror of our cottage, she was blown away. For Drew it was his stomach definition coming back. His abs became prominent after about 3-4 weeks. Also, after doing Anne’s Natural Running Class we both noticed a new muscle on the top outer portion of our feet develop. This may have also grown from lifting in minimal shows, but it is funny to see something develop that you did not even know was there.

Q: Did you energy level increase?

A: Yes. Both in and out of the gym. We often talk about our second day in the gym in which we did a modified “Helen” (we ran 200m instead of 400m and neither of us were near Rx weights for the swings). It was an atrocious, nauseating, ear-throb inducing tragedy. In terms of conditioning, there was no where else to go but up. Now, we have more of an interest in the “most-fun-you-never-want-to-have-again” workouts like FGB (with a special preference for how DNA conducts it). Getting to prescription level was exciting as well as pushing for a higher score. Sometime early on, one of the trainers said “If you’re tired, you’re most likely not eating enough”. This was also something important to learn, but once we had our diet tuned to our macros (and spaced so we could fit them into one day), the afternoon sleepiness that traditionally followed lunchtime went away.

Q: Did you sleep better?

A: This is complicated to answer and not straight forward. Overall, we go to bed earlier now and have better sleep hygiene. But we are also drinking a lot more water, so we both have to get up to pee 1-2 times a night. Then there are the nights after a really intense, long workout in which we both have had problems sleeping. This has only happened twice. Neither of could sleep after the Memorial Day Hero Workout “Murph”. Sara could also not sleep after doing the “filthy fifty”. We suspect that there is an inverted-U shape curve with regards to physical activity and sleep.

Q: What is in a normal day’s menu?

A: We always start the day with 1-2 cups of black coffee. It does not have any calories, so it does not break the fast. Drew loves his coffee and likes to find fun facts about its benefits. Here is one fun fact: Coffee may ward off cavities!
Off days: Some sort of grilled protein (fish, lean beef, chicken), sauteed scallops or shrimp, riced cauliflower, salad (with yogurt-based salad dressing to cut fat- the brand is called Bolthouse Farms and is sold at Whole foods. Ranch and bleu cheese), nonfat greek yogurt with a little bit of blueberries, kefir and some other non-starchy vegetable. We avoid soy (except soy sauce, which is fermented), milk, corn, corn syrup and all grains. We still eat hamburgers and sandwiches, but with romaine or butter lettuce cups instead of buns. This is now our preference, as the bun takes away from the flavor of the protein and the lettuce adds a nice crunch making the texture better. Also, we have discovered a dark chocolate at Trader Joe’s with limited sugar and no soy lectin. Drew has one small square of this every night and Sara has one on off days only. It is a small indulgence that keeps us from craving other sweet things. Also, dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and good for your brain.
Training days: We start off at noon with ~20oz of sweet potato smoothie (2-4 sweet potatoes, 1 cup kefir, 1-2cups coconut water, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste)…yum! We cannot get enough of these. Rice with veggies, egg whites and chicken breast, grilled fish or shrimp, and more potatoes or rice. We may also eat a slice or 2 of rice/pecan gluten free bread with cinnamon (we make sure it is a bread without sugar). Cinnamon is an amazing substitute for sweetener. Sara puts it in yogurt, on bread and in smoothies. We also get carbs by eating organic gluten-free rice cereal with kefir. Our favorite is Erehwon. On Fridays, after training, we go for all-you-can eat sushi at Sushi Hama. We avoid the rolls and fill up on nigiri (ordering mainly lean fish, limited salmon, and no Krab). Finally, we still eat salad on these days, but not as much relative to the off days.

Q: Did you drink alcohol?

A: Very sparingly. We were both interviewing for academic jobs during this time, and would travel for this almost once a month. These interviews are 2-3 days and involve some wining and dining so we would typically have 1 drink at dinner, which was expected by search committees. The major change for us regarding our alcohol consumption is that there now has to be an occasion to drink. We both had a few drinks on the 4th of July and at Dave and Tina’s engagement party. Once, Sara had a beer after work for no reason but then went for a run immediately after, which made for a good run 🙂 Dave put the cost of drinking alcohol in perspective for us after we rowed our first 5K. It took Drew 19:59 and Sara ~22:00 minutes and it seemed hard. We burned around only 200 calories. Dave pointed out that we had just burned one beer. It seems easier to save the beer for something special. We should also note that with the exception of the engagement party, which fell on a Friday, we NEVER drink on training days. When we drink, there is also a big effort to eat lean protein and very little carbs.

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  • Omar Smith August 17, 2013  


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Janets Testimonial
Fit at 70 years old!

I can’t thank David and his “team” enough for literally giving me my life back. One semester of private training, and now group classes have not only changed how I look, but have given me more energy, endurance, and strength than I’ve had in years. My friends ask “was it hard?”—and now I wonder why I waited so long.

Last February I was sick, tired, obese, and had lost all confidence in myself. I had just turned 69, and was not looking forward to that next landmark birthday. I was referred by a former client of David’s, Paul Hopman. He said, if you’re serious about getting fit , go to DNA.

David , a true professional, has developed an incredible program that combines nutrition, strength training, and conditioning. His expertise—he has a level 4 crossfit certification , and his logical scientific approach to fitness exceeds anything I could have imagined. I appreciated his patience, correcting my form “remember elbows up”, more times than I like to admit, always inspiring me to be stronger and do more “remember time under load”.

I love the atmosphere at the downtown location. It feels urban/industrial when you walk in—a place to do some serious work, yet have fun. I can see the pride that David has in creating this culture of fitness for anyone walking in the door, from the attitude of each of the staff, to the inspirational 100 words on the wall.

It has been a journey, and it’s not done yet. I embrace my new lifestyle, and know that change in fitness and health is possible at any age—just join DNA, and simply do what David tells you to do.


Janet learning how to squat. 3 months in

Personal training for seniors

At 70, Janet is now capable of proper movement, enabling her to do things that most in her age group cannot.

Sara Burke, PhD
Total Transformation

Sara Burke, PhD

Department of Neuroscience University of Florida

Photo Aug 14, 1 27 13 PM

Drew & Sara’s 6 month transformation!

“I have been a runner for about 10 years, running between 10-25 miles/week depending on how busy I was with work and if I was training for a race or not. I considered myself relatively fit and my husband and I joined DNA CrossFit because we thought that the additional activity would help us cope with stress, and I wanted to be able to do a strict pull-up. You can imagine my surprise during the first weigh in when my body fat composition was at 28.5%. I believe the term is “skinny fat”.

When I started, I could not do a full motion push-up, even on my knees, and 5 pull-ups with the green band was a challenge. Only two months later my body fat composition in under 19%. I lost over 9% body fat in several weeks! Moreover, my lean body weight is up by over 10 pounds. I am still working on my pull-up but the bands keep changing colors. Although the physical changes have been a marvel, as a neuroscientist, I cannot under estimate how this program has improved my cognition. My concentration and short-term memory have improved and although I leave work for an hour every day to workout, my productivity is up so my supervisor does not mind. I should also mention that my baseline mood has shifted towards the positive, which my co-workers appreciate.

Physical activity is the primary intervention that is effective at combating age-related cognitive decline, which everyone is vulnerable to. It leads to increased BDNF and other trophic factors that promote brain health as well as reducing neuro-inflammation. I am grateful to Dave and everyone at DNA for helping my husband and I get our nutrition in order and coaching us through the lifestyle adjustments that we needed to promote long-lasting health and happiness.”

Total Transformation (video)
Video created by Khalifa.
In a little over a year Khalifa lost 159lbs and dropped from morbidly obese, to 12% body fat. No supplements, pills, or crazy fad diets. His journey was not easy, but he was consistent in his training, and diligent on his customized nutrition plan. His self-made video shows progress through out his transformation.
Angel Gonzales, M.D.
Ripped by Summer

Angel Gonzales, M.D.


Month 1


Month 2


Month 3


Month 4


Month 5


Month 6

“Late 2013 I decided to do personal training. I’ve never done personal training in my life, so it took some courage but I knew it was worth a try. At this time my diet was mostly sugar and junk and I felt quite unhealthy. David and his team changed all that.

After an initial assessment, David made me clean out my pantry and put me on a sensible diet plan. No gimmicks, no pills, and no starvation. I had personal training for 1 semester, 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week which worked perfectly with my busy schedule (Who wants to spend hours in the gym anyway?) then I transitioned to groups. The DNA team is very knowledgeable, professional and easy to work with, yet at the same time they make you work smart to reach and maintain your fitness goals.

My DNA experience has truly been fun and rewarding. It is something I will take with me after my stay in Tucson. I’m glad I joined DNA Fitness, and so will you.”

Selfies taken in 1 month intervals since I started in December 2013.

Transformation at 50 y/o!

image“I am a sucker for a sale! DNA was having a New Years 2013 promotion for new clients and my friend Lisa, a DNA member from their beginning, told me about the promotion. Lisa looked great but a discount of any kind overpowered my laziness, so I signed up for Accelerated Custom Training.

The first day of training with David was memorable. He was assessing me and had me do a 10 minute circuit that consisted of several movements. 10 minutes? C’mon really? I can do this! Two minutes in I was gassed. At 6 minutes in, David stopped me as I was just plain out of shape. I was MORTIFIED! I got in the car and immediately called Lisa. She told me her other friend had lasted 3-4 minutes the first time. I felt an immediate bond to her friend I didn’t even know….yet. Mortification is also a good motivator. I was in!

Next training session; weigh and measure. I thought somehow I could get around this. No luck. Surely I wouldn’t be embarrassed when some guy I’ve known for about a minute told me my body fat was 31%. Clearly he must have not known what he was doing. I mean, I was only eating pasta 5 nights a week and I was a VEGETARIAN. 31% – How could this be? More mortification and confirmation that my weekly pilates was not achieving what I wanted.


Marybeth achieves her first unassisted chin-up!

Now is a good time to mention I was 51 years old. I stopped working out (i.e. cardio only) about 7-8 yrs ago. Back then, every time I would complain about my ever changing-aged body people would say “Well you are over 50, give yourself a break”. So I did. I gave myself a ten pound scale allowance. Slowly I became someone I did not want to be. After that first week at DNA, although intimidated, I felt more alive than I had in years.

So all my excuses went out the window and I replaced them with short 30 minute workout along with the accountability of my trainer. OMG, ACCOUNTABILITY. I was committed so I had to do it. That way if it didn’t work I could prove “them” wrong!

So what are my results? Well, I’m still a work in progress but after 6 months, I’ve lost 11 percent body fat! I Gained 10 pounds of “good weight” (according to my trainer that is muscle, connective tissue, bone mineral density, etc.,) and I am MUCH happier and more energetic than I have ever been!

I purchased two bikinis, one of which was debuted last weekend! The nutrition planning was the key!

One last thing, when I started with David I was recovering from a nasty back injury. David explained the importance of good form and technique, and currently, I am able to lift over 130 lbs!

Middle Age come and get me! I’m Stronger, Faster, and better than I ever was at half this age!

Thank You DNA!


Marybeth with the other ladies of A.C.T.



Susan D. Nenon
Strong is the New Skinny

Susan Nenon“David, I am sending two photos. July 4, 2012 “Skinny Fat Girl”, and October, 2012 “Stomach Definition”! Started DNA at the end of July. Just three short months later, I am starting to look strong instead of skinny and defined instead of loose! My stomach actually has definition and is not on a roller-coaster of bloating anymore. I have gained 3 pounds of muscle weight;-) My clothes still fit despite gaining ‘good’ weight. I am starting to sleep better. I’ve changed my eating habits and still have a way to go. But, I love the way I am starting to look. Super strong at 50 is what I am going for thanks to you!”


Sarah G.
Law enforcement preparation.

imageSarah joined A.C.T. to prepare for the local Sheriffs dept., physical test. After months of consistent hard work, she passed! DNA maintains a 100% pass rate for Military, and Law Enforcement physical testing and preparation.

Diane K.
Strong and Fit at 53

imageDiane began A.C.T. at 32% body fat (clinically obese), and over the course of 6 months dropped to 19%!


Kristina Boynova
Prep For Miss America Pageant

imageMy name is Kristina and I have to say that I am a very lucky girl to have such caring trainers…David De la Pena didn’t just open a business; he opened doors for anyone who wants to feel good about themselves! Who doesn’t?
I have been training with him for a couple of years now, and every single time I leave after class I feel great and accomplished. Every day is a new experience for me at DNA. Not just that, but my upper and lower strength has increased.

In 2010 I ran for Miss Arizona USA and I placed in the top 15. When I walked on that stage I felt like I owned it with amazing body. Thanks to David for believing in me when I didn’t. I trained with him for that competition a little over 3 months and my results were incredible. I am very happy to say that I see lots more people smiling and pushing hard at DNA. I am looking forward to continue working out.

Right before my competition I went to visit my daddy in Russia (my father owns his own gym) and he said I was the first girl there who could perform 20 perfect pull-ups (in a row)! He is a professional body builder who placed first place many times and he also sponsors clients, so he knows what valuable training is. I saw in my daddy`s eyes how proud he was of me.

I am going to be involved with different competitions and I am looking forward to keep moving with my training (thanks to DNA). Zee Raza, you are a great trainer and always telling me how good I am doing every time I feel like giving up. I remember the first time going on a 5k run with you and how I didn’t think we could run that, but with your motivation and help I felt like I can do anything. I just want to say thank you for everything you have done and do for me.

Sue Ann
Ripped At 55 years old!


Khalia Corral
Best shape of her life in a few months (2015)

I started training at DNA in late January of 2015. I come from a fairly athletic background. I played sports and exercised in a traditional gym setting for about seven years, and was frustrated due to the lack of results that I saw. I had run up to 30 miles a week and restricting my calorie intake for years. I was not a client that came in overweight or completely out of shape. I ate fairly healthy but I did not have muscle definition, or a level of leanness that I desired. My body and my fitness were at a stand still.

Before & After - 90 days

Before & After – 90 days

I was extremely hesitant at first and I worried that I would gain weight, as David had told me to cut my running down by at least half. This concept was terrifying to me, I was afraid that if I didn’t burn the extra calories running, it would equate to extra fat. David reassured me that if I [gave] the DNA fitness and nutrition program 100% for 6 months, I would be in the best shape of my life. Still hesitant, I gave it a shot.

Within 3 months I saw serious results. I was exercising for less time and eating more than I ever have in my entire life. Much to my surprise, my body fat percentage dropped drastically. I went from 19% to 14% body fat in about 4 months. I felt stronger, more confident and more energetic. My body completely transformed into something I spent years trying to attain through calorie restriction and endless cardio.

Before & After

Before & After

I trained 4-5 days a week at DNA for 5 months. The trainers at DNA spent countless sessions teaching me proper form and technique. At times I was impatient, I wanted to go faster, heavier, etc., but the trainers made sure that I learned the proper form and technique for all the movements incorporated in DNA training. I am incredibly grateful for the time and dedication that the staff spends on teaching clients the correct way to exercise.

Perhaps the most eye-opening aspect of DNA’s personal training and fitness program was the nutritional aspect. I thought that I was doomed to fail. I restricted my calories for years and spent so much time and money on fad diets but nothing seemed to work long-term.

The nutrition plan at DNA had the opposite effect on me. I found myself eating more and getting the results that I wanted! After a while, I stopped calling it a diet and realized that I had adopted a new lifestyle. For me, a diet now means something temporary or short-term. A diet is something that works for a little while. The nutrition plan at DNA is a lifestyle change that is satiating, realistic, and effective. It is the ideal nutrition for active people who seek a healthy lifestyle!

After 5 short months at DNA I was set to move to Portland, Oregon to attend law school. In the short time that I was at DNA, I developed close bonds with the trainers and staff members and it was truly saddening to leave. I was nervous about finding a new gym; especially since crossfit gyms can vary in quality, training, and effectiveness. As soon as I arrived in Portland I began the tireless search of finding a new box.

Kahlia Increased her Strength & Fitness level to her personal highest, in 90 days!

Kahlia Increased her Strength & Fitness level to her personal highest, in 90 days!

I went to several gyms and picked the brains of the coaches, I have not been able to duplicate the experience that I had at DNA but I have had the pleasure of finding a similar sense of community and belonging.

The box that I am currently at is for experienced crossfitters. I learned hard and fast that I was among elite athletes in the Portland metro area. The WODs are jam-packed with advanced Olympic lifts and they tend to move at a quick pace.

I no longer have the experts at DNA to guide me through all the workouts and help perfect my form, but I have the knowledge and training that was passed on to me. I can confidently train with crossfit athletes that compete in regional competitions (and win!) with my DNA skills set. I’ve been pushed to limits that I did not know existed and my foundational training as a member of DNA has given me the strength, endurance, and perseverance to succeed. I’ve been able to train at a competitive and advanced level in Portland, thanks to David and his team of trainers. I’m looking forward to competing in my first crossfit competition in a couple of months and I owe all of my abilities to my home gym, DNA!

Mark Eisenhower
Lost over 50lbs in 3 months
Mark lost 52 lbs in 3 months.

Mark lost 52 lbs in 3 months.

Mark joined DNA in early 2015 to get ready for his wedding. We put him on a nutrition plan and he lost 50# in 3 months! We absolutely guarantee results!

Cheryl Carnes
90 day total transformation in 2015!
Before & After, 2015 90 day transformation!

Before & After, 2015 90 day transformation!

Cheryl started off the New year at DNA. Keep in mind, that her amazing 90 transformation happened largely due to taking our nutrition course. She is proof that what we do at DNA works!

Couples Changed Together
They lost 85 lbs in 2014

Ricky AND Marina lost 85lbs combined, in one semester (6 months).

Couple loses 85lbs in 6 months

I remember that first day in January 2014, when Ricky and Marina started training. There weren’t any heavy weights being lifted, no fancy olympic lifting, just an out of shape couple struggling to learn a proper squat. In fact, that first day of training only took about 15 minutes.
Fast forward 6 months and you’ll now see a different Marina doing unassisted pull-ups, along side Ricky who can strap on 50lbs for weighted pull-ups.

I’ll have their full testimonial soon!


Curtis Mack, MD
"I've never seen results like this"

Curtis Mack, M.D.

Radiation Oncology by the American Board of Radiology

I am a whole hearted backer of DNA Personal Training.

I have been a runner all my life with several marathons under my belt AND had personal trainers for the last 3 years but I have never seen results like I have achieved at DNA.  I went to personal trainers after a lack of progress after nearly 30 years of regular exercise including running, lifting and yoga.  I still seemed to be treading water.

The workouts are typically short and challenging so my overall work out time has gone down and frankly I am having fun.  The trainers are very good about watching and correcting form so I feel safe attaining new personal records.  David’s nutritional advice was the final piece that brought it all together such that my body is the best it has ever looked with a body fat below 10% and more compliments than I had ever expected at age 35 never mind my current age of 49!

Thank you!

Mike Jaret
"I never had a six pack before"

mike2DNA personal training is an obsession. If you think your gym is working out for you and you haven’t tried CrossFit style classes then maybe it’s time you gave it a shot. I went my whole life at the gym and being athletic but when I started doing CrossFit, my athletic life was changed completely. I had never had a six pack before but look at me now. The coaches are all extremely knowledgeable in classes and in one on one sessions. Get off your butt and get down here and sweat, we all sweat together!

Jamie Wong
Dropped 12% bf in 1 semester

 Jamie Lost 12% bodyfat, dropping from 37% down to 24% in 6 months!

jamie-wong-Photo-Sep-17,-5-52-19-AMIn the past I have struggled with my weight constantly going up and down and staying healthy.  I’ve always lost weight by taking in less calories and increasing my activity.  It was difficult because I would be hungry and tired all of the time.

When I joined DNA I thought it would be good to just try this crossfit stuff everyone was talking about and do something different.  I wanted to kick start my weight loss so I joined the 21-day nutrition challenge that helped with nutrition portion and included taking the classes.

Right away I could feel a difference in the amount of energy that I had.  I felt awake and alert all day at work and it felt great.  Plus, I wasn’t ever hungry.

After the challenge ended I stayed on the nutrition plan and for the next couple months I didn’t have any big losses in terms of weight.  I have always focused on the scale so it was easy to get discouraged.

One thing that kept me motivated was that I continued to get stronger and faster during workouts.  I kept beating PRs (personal records) and my running had improved more in the past few months than it had in the past few years!

It helped to have the support from all the trainers and everyone in the class.  When I was measured this past week it showed that the numbers were finally catching up to how I was feeling and that just makes me excited to see what else I can do in the next few months.

Chuck Meyer, RA
Complete transformation in 2013

Chuck Meyer, RA

I’m a married 37-year-old small business owner with 4 kids – needless to say I don’t have a lot of time.  I had some health concerns and needed to make some changes.  I’ve done the typical meat market big box gyms and had some success with weight loss, but would plateau doing the same workout – get frustrated and stop going.  I don’t have time figure out new workouts let alone know if I was doing them correctly.  The very scalable workouts that DNA offers fits my needs perfectly – combine that with the nutritional program.  

In 5 months at DNA I’ve lost 8% body fat (+/- 25 lbs), climbed the rope for the first time in my life, made some amazing like minded friends and have lifted more weights then I ever thought possible.  I am in the best overall shape that I’ve ever been in my life.  I also appreciate the environment of camaraderie they have built.  Does not matter what level you are – you will fit right in and be encouraged.  Excited to see what the next 5 months bring!!!

DeAnna Scroggins
"A place like family"

20121016-110838.jpg20121008-190520.jpgI can’t believe I have been so very fortunate as to have found a place that has such wonderful trainers, that are not just trainers, but they become family. I can’t begin to explain how David and Zee have kicked me back into gear, much less my behind! I have made amazing strides in just such a short time. I have no doubt whatsoever that I will continue to amaze myself and others.

My nutrition is right on point now, and designed just for me and specifically for my training and off days. This has made so much of a difference. I feel better being able to eat food while editing out certain foods instead of having a list of all the foods I can’t have then trying to figure out what I can eat.

I know I must be losing weight, but I don’t care anymore. I see the change in the fit of my clothes, and the size going down. Doesn’t matter anymore what I weigh, just that……hey honey, this ain’t looking so bad…..that really is all the reinforcement I need.

The encouragement and support and yes, the tail kicking daily has been so completely amazing that it blows my mind. My son Blake is now so excited everyday just to get to go with his “cool mom” to go workout. I started this road dreading that I had to come to terms with this being my new lifestyle, now I embrace it and it has really become my life.

The family environment really adds to being welcomed in the door. From the  Davids youngest greeting you with a smile and a giggle, to his oldest encouraging everyone to do their best as he runs right beside you.  Zee and his family being there, and the laugh he has makes you laugh just because he is laughing. David is just infectious!

This is the place to be! This is what makes this place so special. It’s not a place you go to because you have to just to maintain as you get older. This is a place you go to just because you want to go have some fun. It’s not torture ( although during the workout it feels like it) it’s actually fun. I can say I would certainly rather get up in the morning and go run, and look forward to my evening workouts than do some of my old bad habits. It took a long time for this ole gal to figure out what fun really is.

Thanks so much a million times over!