Group Classes

The Best Training in Arizona!

“It’s like a college course for your body.”

Group Classes – Strength & Conditioning

Here’s what you need to know…

  1. Group classes are kept small in order to maintain high quality training standards. You will be instructed by a highly qualified instructor, who will spend time to train you properly.
  2. Every class has a purpose. The DNA group program is developed using scientifically grounded programming based on human physiology. Like vehicles, the “human machine” requires the same type of maintenance regardless of age, type, gender etc., the only difference is the degree/intensity is adjusted per individual. You’ll get that in our classes.
  3. DNA Instructors are the cream of the crop in personal training, and have been selected from a very long list of applicants. Once selected, every instructor must pass the vigorous DNA Instructors course, before being selected for employment as Certified DNA Instructors.

We’ve simplified everything. Our group classes are universally scalable, so that the anyone from beginner to elite can participate and be challenged at the right level. We incorporate strength cycles, compound movements, Traditional Strength Training, Gymanstics, CrossFit methods, and Russian kettlebell principles to create highly efficient workouts that will make you stronger, faster, leaner, and even smarter in far less time than you ever imagined possible.

UNIQUE TRAINING: We offer the highest quality training formulated through a unique combination of innovation and experience that leads to the best, most effective group training program in Southern Arizona.

Group training package tuition varies with course length, options include:

 Due to popular demand, we only have 11 spots left. To fill these up quickly we’re offering an exclusive price of $139 per month for a semester, or $119 per month for 2 semesters.


  • Monthly (No Commitments) $169 per month
  • One semester (6 months) $159 per month
  • Two semesters (12 months) $139 per month



We also offer Modern Nutrition Classes for group training clients who want to maximize their results!

Below are just a few testimonials of DNA Group Clients, click to read:


Khalia Corral
Best shape of her life in a few months (2015)

I started training at DNA in late January of 2015. I come from a fairly athletic background. I played sports and exercised in a traditional gym setting for about seven years, and was frustrated due to the lack of results that I saw. I had run up to 30 miles a week and restricting my calorie intake for years. I was not a client that came in overweight or completely out of shape. I ate fairly healthy but I did not have muscle definition, or a level of leanness that I desired. My body and my fitness were at a stand still.

Before & After - 90 days

Before & After – 90 days

I was extremely hesitant at first and I worried that I would gain weight, as David had told me to cut my running down by at least half. This concept was terrifying to me, I was afraid that if I didn’t burn the extra calories running, it would equate to extra fat. David reassured me that if I [gave] the DNA fitness and nutrition program 100% for 6 months, I would be in the best shape of my life. Still hesitant, I gave it a shot.

Within 3 months I saw serious results. I was exercising for less time and eating more than I ever have in my entire life. Much to my surprise, my body fat percentage dropped drastically. I went from 19% to 14% body fat in about 4 months. I felt stronger, more confident and more energetic. My body completely transformed into something I spent years trying to attain through calorie restriction and endless cardio.

Before & After

Before & After

I trained 4-5 days a week at DNA for 5 months. The trainers at DNA spent countless sessions teaching me proper form and technique. At times I was impatient, I wanted to go faster, heavier, etc., but the trainers made sure that I learned the proper form and technique for all the movements incorporated in DNA training. I am incredibly grateful for the time and dedication that the staff spends on teaching clients the correct way to exercise.

Perhaps the most eye-opening aspect of DNA’s personal training and fitness program was the nutritional aspect. I thought that I was doomed to fail. I restricted my calories for years and spent so much time and money on fad diets but nothing seemed to work long-term.

The nutrition plan at DNA had the opposite effect on me. I found myself eating more and getting the results that I wanted! After a while, I stopped calling it a diet and realized that I had adopted a new lifestyle. For me, a diet now means something temporary or short-term. A diet is something that works for a little while. The nutrition plan at DNA is a lifestyle change that is satiating, realistic, and effective. It is the ideal nutrition for active people who seek a healthy lifestyle!

After 5 short months at DNA I was set to move to Portland, Oregon to attend law school. In the short time that I was at DNA, I developed close bonds with the trainers and staff members and it was truly saddening to leave. I was nervous about finding a new gym; especially since crossfit gyms can vary in quality, training, and effectiveness. As soon as I arrived in Portland I began the tireless search of finding a new box.

Kahlia Increased her Strength & Fitness level to her personal highest, in 90 days!

Kahlia Increased her Strength & Fitness level to her personal highest, in 90 days!

I went to several gyms and picked the brains of the coaches, I have not been able to duplicate the experience that I had at DNA but I have had the pleasure of finding a similar sense of community and belonging.

The box that I am currently at is for experienced crossfitters. I learned hard and fast that I was among elite athletes in the Portland metro area. The WODs are jam-packed with advanced Olympic lifts and they tend to move at a quick pace.

I no longer have the experts at DNA to guide me through all the workouts and help perfect my form, but I have the knowledge and training that was passed on to me. I can confidently train with crossfit athletes that compete in regional competitions (and win!) with my DNA skills set. I’ve been pushed to limits that I did not know existed and my foundational training as a member of DNA has given me the strength, endurance, and perseverance to succeed. I’ve been able to train at a competitive and advanced level in Portland, thanks to David and his team of trainers. I’m looking forward to competing in my first crossfit competition in a couple of months and I owe all of my abilities to my home gym, DNA!

Mark Eisenhower
Lost over 50lbs in 3 months
Mark lost 52 lbs in 3 months.

Mark lost 52 lbs in 3 months.

Mark joined DNA in early 2015 to get ready for his wedding. We put him on a nutrition plan and he lost 50# in 3 months! We absolutely guarantee results!

Cheryl Carnes
90 day total transformation in 2015!
Before & After, 2015 90 day transformation!

Before & After, 2015 90 day transformation!

Cheryl started off the New year at DNA. Keep in mind, that her amazing 90 transformation happened largely due to taking our nutrition course. She is proof that what we do at DNA works!

Couples Changed Together
They lost 85 lbs in 2014

Ricky AND Marina lost 85lbs combined, in one semester (6 months).

Couple loses 85lbs in 6 months

I remember that first day in January 2014, when Ricky and Marina started training. There weren’t any heavy weights being lifted, no fancy olympic lifting, just an out of shape couple struggling to learn a proper squat. In fact, that first day of training only took about 15 minutes.
Fast forward 6 months and you’ll now see a different Marina doing unassisted pull-ups, along side Ricky who can strap on 50lbs for weighted pull-ups.

I’ll have their full testimonial soon!


Curtis Mack, MD
"I've never seen results like this"

Curtis Mack, M.D.

Radiation Oncology by the American Board of Radiology

I am a whole hearted backer of DNA Personal Training.

I have been a runner all my life with several marathons under my belt AND had personal trainers for the last 3 years but I have never seen results like I have achieved at DNA.  I went to personal trainers after a lack of progress after nearly 30 years of regular exercise including running, lifting and yoga.  I still seemed to be treading water.

The workouts are typically short and challenging so my overall work out time has gone down and frankly I am having fun.  The trainers are very good about watching and correcting form so I feel safe attaining new personal records.  David’s nutritional advice was the final piece that brought it all together such that my body is the best it has ever looked with a body fat below 10% and more compliments than I had ever expected at age 35 never mind my current age of 49!

Thank you!

Mike Jaret
"I never had a six pack before"

mike2DNA personal training is an obsession. If you think your gym is working out for you and you haven’t tried CrossFit style classes then maybe it’s time you gave it a shot. I went my whole life at the gym and being athletic but when I started doing CrossFit, my athletic life was changed completely. I had never had a six pack before but look at me now. The coaches are all extremely knowledgeable in classes and in one on one sessions. Get off your butt and get down here and sweat, we all sweat together!

Jamie Wong
Dropped 12% bf in 1 semester

 Jamie Lost 12% bodyfat, dropping from 37% down to 24% in 6 months!

jamie-wong-Photo-Sep-17,-5-52-19-AMIn the past I have struggled with my weight constantly going up and down and staying healthy.  I’ve always lost weight by taking in less calories and increasing my activity.  It was difficult because I would be hungry and tired all of the time.

When I joined DNA I thought it would be good to just try this crossfit stuff everyone was talking about and do something different.  I wanted to kick start my weight loss so I joined the 21-day nutrition challenge that helped with nutrition portion and included taking the classes.

Right away I could feel a difference in the amount of energy that I had.  I felt awake and alert all day at work and it felt great.  Plus, I wasn’t ever hungry.

After the challenge ended I stayed on the nutrition plan and for the next couple months I didn’t have any big losses in terms of weight.  I have always focused on the scale so it was easy to get discouraged.

One thing that kept me motivated was that I continued to get stronger and faster during workouts.  I kept beating PRs (personal records) and my running had improved more in the past few months than it had in the past few years!

It helped to have the support from all the trainers and everyone in the class.  When I was measured this past week it showed that the numbers were finally catching up to how I was feeling and that just makes me excited to see what else I can do in the next few months.

Chuck Meyer, RA
Complete transformation in 2013

Chuck Meyer, RA

I’m a married 37-year-old small business owner with 4 kids – needless to say I don’t have a lot of time.  I had some health concerns and needed to make some changes.  I’ve done the typical meat market big box gyms and had some success with weight loss, but would plateau doing the same workout – get frustrated and stop going.  I don’t have time figure out new workouts let alone know if I was doing them correctly.  The very scalable workouts that DNA offers fits my needs perfectly – combine that with the nutritional program.  

In 5 months at DNA I’ve lost 8% body fat (+/- 25 lbs), climbed the rope for the first time in my life, made some amazing like minded friends and have lifted more weights then I ever thought possible.  I am in the best overall shape that I’ve ever been in my life.  I also appreciate the environment of camaraderie they have built.  Does not matter what level you are – you will fit right in and be encouraged.  Excited to see what the next 5 months bring!!!

DeAnna Scroggins
"A place like family"

20121016-110838.jpg20121008-190520.jpgI can’t believe I have been so very fortunate as to have found a place that has such wonderful trainers, that are not just trainers, but they become family. I can’t begin to explain how David and Zee have kicked me back into gear, much less my behind! I have made amazing strides in just such a short time. I have no doubt whatsoever that I will continue to amaze myself and others.

My nutrition is right on point now, and designed just for me and specifically for my training and off days. This has made so much of a difference. I feel better being able to eat food while editing out certain foods instead of having a list of all the foods I can’t have then trying to figure out what I can eat.

I know I must be losing weight, but I don’t care anymore. I see the change in the fit of my clothes, and the size going down. Doesn’t matter anymore what I weigh, just that……hey honey, this ain’t looking so bad…..that really is all the reinforcement I need.

The encouragement and support and yes, the tail kicking daily has been so completely amazing that it blows my mind. My son Blake is now so excited everyday just to get to go with his “cool mom” to go workout. I started this road dreading that I had to come to terms with this being my new lifestyle, now I embrace it and it has really become my life.

The family environment really adds to being welcomed in the door. From the  Davids youngest greeting you with a smile and a giggle, to his oldest encouraging everyone to do their best as he runs right beside you.  Zee and his family being there, and the laugh he has makes you laugh just because he is laughing. David is just infectious!

This is the place to be! This is what makes this place so special. It’s not a place you go to because you have to just to maintain as you get older. This is a place you go to just because you want to go have some fun. It’s not torture ( although during the workout it feels like it) it’s actually fun. I can say I would certainly rather get up in the morning and go run, and look forward to my evening workouts than do some of my old bad habits. It took a long time for this ole gal to figure out what fun really is.

Thanks so much a million times over!